Islam has strongly emphasized the concept of conservatism, decency and modesty (haya); besides the lawful sexuality, priority is given to modesty and chastity both inside and outside the marital relationships. The Quran warns against immoral lust (fahisha),[12][13] and the hadith literature, modesty has been described as "a part of faith".[14] Islam strictly discourages nudity and public nakedness,[15][16] and it is also forbidden for spouses to spread the secrets of what happens between them in their private marital life.[17]
Interfaith marriages are recognized between Muslims and Non-Muslim "People of the Book" (usually Jews, Christians, and Sabians).[47] According to the traditional interpretation of Islamic law (sharīʿa), a Muslim man is allowed to marry a Christian or Jewish woman but this ruling does not apply to women who belong to other Non-Muslim religious groups,[48] whereas a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry a Non-Muslim man of any Non-Muslim religious group.[48][49] However, marriage with an idolatress or idolater is forbidden,[50]
oral sex allowed islam
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Sexual intercourse is also prohibited during menstruation,[56] for forty days after childbirth (puerperium), during the daylight hours of the month of Ramadan (i.e. while fasting) and on pilgrimage. While in the sanctuary (in Ahram) at Mecca, pilgrims are not allowed to have intercourse, and marriages performed during the pilgrimage are invalid.[58]
Before the abolition of slavery, concubinage existed alongside marriage as a permitted relationship in Islamic law that allowed a man to have sexual intercourse with his female slaves.[62] Concubinage, which was a sexual relationship between a Muslim man and an unmarried female slave whom he owned, was the only legal sexual relationship outside marriage in Islamic law.
"Concubine" (surriyya) refers to the female slave (jāriya), whether Muslim or non-Muslim, with whom her master engages in sexual intercourse. The word surriyya is not mentioned in the Quran. However, the expression "Ma malakat aymanukum" (that which your right hands own), which occurs fifteen times in the sacred book, refers to slaves and therefore, though not necessarily, to concubines. Concubinage was a pre-Islamic custom that was allowed to be practised under Islam through some reform with Jews and non-Muslim people. Muhammad also inspired to free "converted pious" concubines and marry them.[63]
In Sunni Islam, oral sex between a husband and wife is considered "Makruh Tahrimi"[101] or highly undesirable by some Islamic jurists when the act is defined as mouth and tongue coming in contact with the genitals.[102][103] The reason behind considering this act as not recommended is manifold, the foremost being the issue of modesty, purification (Taharat) and cleanliness.[104] In Twelver Shia Islam, oral sex is permitted as long as najasah (impurity) is not consumed.[105]
Islamic schools of law have differing opinions on abortion, though it is prohibited or discouraged by most.[107] However, abortion is allowed under certain circumstances, such as if the mother's health is threatened. If the abortion is necessary to save the woman's life, Muslims universally agree that her life takes precedence over the life of the fetus.[108]
Marriage is not allowed between most relatives with whom relations would typically considered incestuous, including a man marrying his mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece or mother-in-law. Other prohibited marriages include step-daughters born of women with whom one has had conjugal relations, two or more sisters from the same family.[50] Incestuous relationships in Islam (zinā bi'l-mahārim) are those with any of a person's mahram, a definition of nuclear and extended family derived from the hadith.[130][131]
All major Islamic schools disapprove of homosexuality.[141] Islam views same-sex desires as an unnatural temptation; and, sexual relations are seen as a transgression of the natural role and aim of sexual activity.[142] There is disagreement over what punishments should be administered according to the above Quranic and prophetic orders.[143] Early caliphs were known to have had both of the male partners executed in various ways.[135] Some other jurists believe that there is no punishment that will serve as an effective purgative for this act, and therefore its immorality precludes an earthly punishment.[143] Some jurists are so morally offended by homosexuality that just the discussion around it is cause for excommunication and anathematizing.[143]
Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhâb al-Turayrî quotes the Prophet as saying that vaginal penetration may take place from the front or the back as long as long as anal sex and sex during menstruation is avoided. The Prophet also says that cruel is a man who "...has sex with his wife before foreplay". Indicating that Islam is not opposed to stimulation before intimacy, and although anal penetration is considered unlawful, the Hanbali school of Islamic thought (one of the five Islam doctrines) states that fondling the anus is allowed for foreplay purposes as long as penetration does not occur.
What does this mean for oral sex?Sheikh `Abd al-Wahhâb al-Turayrî says that the Prophet is not against oral sex as he makes no mention of it. Anything that is not clearly opposed or made unlawful by the Prophet is permissible. The Shafi`is and Hanbali doctrines consider sperm to be pure but state that it is unlawful to swallow the fluid. If the bodily fluids aren't swallowed then oral sex is no different from kissing various parts of the body, which is is allowed for Muslims. But couples may not indulge in it to such a degree that oral replaces normal intercourse.The Hanbali followers of Islam say that even though Muslim couples don't swallow seminal fluid, those who participate in oral sex should always rinse their mouths after the act as part of Islamic purification.Read more:Users discuss swallowing semenIs oral sex really sex?The truth about female ejaculation40 ways to have great sex Sources: This article was originally compiled and published by Modest Muse, additional information from**Health24 is not affiliated with any particular Islamic school of thought or biased towards any Islamic scholar.
Forcing the wife to have oral sex, will eventually lead to force her to eat something haram. And only the husband will be responsible for this. However, if his wife does it willingly, she will also have to take responsibility for this.
So, according to Indo/Pak scholars and their fatwa books, taking the filth whether it be pre-cum or semen, in the mouth is haram, as these liquids are impure. From this point of view, it is clear why is oral a sin in Islam.
As far as oral sex is concerned, there are two aspects to the issue. One being the moral aspect and the other the actual ruling regarding it in Islamic Law (meaning, to state whether it is Haram, Makruh or permissible).
If oral sex (performed by a husband and wife) entails sexual fluids, discharge and impurities to be released, entered into the mouth and or swallowed (which is more than likely to occur), then it is prohibited and impermissible. This is the ruling that all mainstream Islamic jurists agree to, even in the case where one is unsure, however there is a likelihood of such fluids to be entered in to the mouth.
Is it permissible for a married couple to engage in oral sex? I heard it was forbidden for men to indulge in oral sex but women can do it as she is liable to please her husband in every possible way. I don't personally believe the above since the source was not a reliable one. What's the Islamic verdict on this issue?
Some scholars' opinions are that it is inherently immoral or disgusting (describing it like behaving like animals or non-Muslims); it is befitting of Muslims to have a natural sense of morality, and shame and modesty (hayaa), e.g.
Our view on the matter is that oral sex is makruh tahrimi -- Checked and approved by Mufti Ebrahim Desai, (also here, here, here, and here; also note the three contradictory fatawa by this Mufti below)
Every form of oral sex is prohibited. There is no difference in the ruling between the front and hind parts. Sex is a human need and natural. However Shariah has emphasized on shame and modesty. -- Mufti Ebrahim Desai, (also here and here)
Yes, it is permissible for Muslims to perform acts of oral sex with their spouses. Licking or sucking the spouse's sexual organs are permissible, as long as it gives a person sexual satisfaction which will keep him/her away from Haram acts or starring at non-Mahram men/women. But if it leads to releasing of semen, then it is Makruh (disliked), but there is no clear evidence that forbids it.
You will find that fatwas and threads by laymen go round in circles discussing if it is haraam or not. I believe that oral sex was known at that time as there is a Hadith in Bukhari where Abu Bakr (RA) says to an unbeliever to "suck the clitoris of al-Lat". -clitoris-lat-befitting-response-abu-bakr.html
A husband receiving oral wearing a condom should clear najis issues but not sure if the husband can cover the female part (cling film?) to avoid direct contact. However, mouth to private part direct would be much more enjoyable for both! Fruit flavoured condoms are available to help the wife have a nice taste when sucking.
It is ironic though that non Muslims are so free with oral and we are not yet we WASH every time we visit the toilet including passing water so in that sense our parts are clean (maybe soap could be used before the act).
Personally I think if a Muslim realises that there is no clear cut evidence against the act (there is scholarly difference) then he will become frustrated not to receive oral and same for wife as surely it is pleasurable. 2ff7e9595c